The teledisko DAO token with the token symbol $BERLIN gives users access to ownership, governance, and dividend rights. This page summarizes the tokenomics of $BERLIN — How to obtain, hold, or trade the token.

The Problem
In the current economy and corporate culture, where exploitative behavior is rampant, early investors, founders, and a small group of shareholders often end up owning the majority of companies. This group of supporters often doesn’t contribute much to the sustained success of these companies after recovering their initial monetary investments.
On the other hand, employees and other active contributors who maintain the company's daily growth are rewarded with stipends in exchange for their hard work.

Our Solution
teledisko has run a successful real-world business since 2014, upcycling old phone booths into portable mini-discos with millions of visitors over the last decade.
teledisko 3.0 is a novel concept that makes teledisko’s business scalable and accessible worldwide, redefining the meaning of investment and returns for supporting the project’s success.
teledisko DAO has direct revenue streams from rentals, sales, and franchising of the teledisko 3.0 machine. With the teledisko DAO, contributors are rewarded with ownership, governance, and dividend rights, so everyone can own a part of the project they support. This creates a level playing field between contributors investing their time and founders, investors, and other shareholders investing their money.
Contributors may also choose to dispose of their rights, just as regular shareholders, if they decide to leave the DAO.

Before you continue, teledisko DAO does not provide legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. This summary is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as such. Nothing on this page constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer to buy or sell $BERLIN. All information in this summary is general and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. You alone assume the sole responsibility of evaluating the merits and risks associated with using any information here before making any decisions based on such information.

teledisko DAO is wrapped into a private limited company.
Consequently, all its members (i.e., KYC-compliant $BERLIN holders) are official shareholders of the underlying company. Each DAO member owns 1 share out of 10,000 shares, which corresponds to 0.01% of the company's share capital and is also inserted into the official shareholders register.
The AoA (Articles of Association) and SHA (Shareholders Agreement) of teledisko DAO specify that each shareholder's ownership, governance, and dividend rights are determined based on the number of $BERLIN they hold, not the number of shares they hold.
In this case, $BERLIN tokens act as surrogates for shares and determine the users’ allocation within the teledisko DAO ownership, governance, and dividend rights. This arrangement between all of its members is legally compliant, sound, and enforceable.

teledisko DAO has four classes of $BERLIN holders, each with different rights and obligations. This diverse holder base allows for an inclusive and thriving community that supports the growth and success of teledisko DAO.

*It is important to highlight that the specific rights and obligations of each $BERLIN holder depend on their classification, not the fact of holding $BERLIN, nor the number of them.

Typically, $BERLIN is minted once a month, based on time contributed to teledisko DAO during the month. However, $BERLIN may also be minted on an ad-hoc basis upon monetary or in-kind investments made to the DAO.
$BERLIN is always directly minted to the person who contributed time or made the investment. There is no staking or reserve pool of $BERLIN, predefined allocation between team members/advisors/etc.
In practice, this means that the teledisko DAO can mint $BERLIN only when value is added to the DAO. Whether it be contributed time or invested funds/assets. Consequently, $BERLIN minting is continuous and always happens when value is added.
There is neither an initial nor final $BERLIN supply. The number of $BERLIN in circulation will continue to increase as more value is created. In theory, this means the token supply is infinite.
Please note that the potential token dilution is not a design flaw. It is a deliberate feature of the teledisko DAO and its $BERLIN token.
telediko’s tokenomic design aims to substitute founders’ agreements, reverse vesting contracts, and other instruments currently abused by founders, early investors, startups and VCs with simple rules based on fairness, sharing and rewarding value.
At first, it may seem unfair for early contributors or investors that their token holdings will be diluted. However, the motivation for this dilution is the assumption that an organization's economic success comes later in its life cycle.
The heroes of the teledisko DAO are the contributors. This radical change will motivate everyone in the teledisko DAO to remain committed to creating value instead of relying on their status to earn indefinitely from the system.
$BERLIN tokenomics is designed to reward token holders for their roles in the teledisko DAO. It also aims to reward mostly KYC-compliant holders for their time contributions, foster active investor participation, and support the growth and success of the DAO to encourage trading activities from unaffiliated traders.

There is a clear distinction between the INTERNAL and EXTERNAL VALUE of $BERLIN.
The internal value represents the total value that has ever been committed into the teledisko DAO in terms of time or monetary contribution. On the other hand, the external value represents the value assigned by parties not affiliated with the teledisko DAO based on the value created and possible profits.
$BERLIN is accessible without limitations on the secondary market. Hence, anyone can evaluate the value of teledisko DAO, potential dividends, or any other metrics to determine the token price of $BERLIN and trade it accordingly.
This creates a scenario where the $BERLIN token price on the secondary market is different from teledisko’s internal 1:1 ratio between $BERLIN and the Euro.

teledisko DAO AoA (Articles of Association and SHA (Shareholders Agreement) enforce rules for the disposal of $BERLIN. Those rules depend on the holder’s classification:
Contributors are obliged to offer $BERLIN to other contributors at a fixed price of 1 BERLIN = 1 EUR before offering $BERLIN to the secondary market.
If a contributor is unable to sell their $BERLIN on the secondary market, they can redeem a limited number of their token against the teledisko DAO’s Trustworthiness Reserve, which is filled from annual profits and other monetary investments. Tokens redeemed in this manner are burnt.
Investors, impact investors, and traders don’t have the right to acquire tokens from contributors at the internal fixed rate of 1 BERLIN = 1 EUR. They can not redeem their $BERLIN against the teledisko DAO’s Trustworthiness Reserve. Instead, they have the freedom to trade their $BERLIN for the going rate in the secondary market. There are no vesting or similar rules related to BERLIN unless specifically negotiated with an impact investor.
The dual valuation system is an experimental approach, and it is uncertain how investors and contributors will act if the discrepancy between the internal and external value gets significant.
This potential discrepancy is also not a flaw. It is a deliberate feature that serves as an incentive for contributors to hold their $BERLIN rather than dispose of them shortly after minting.
Also, it enforces the “contributors first” approach, as the contributors will benefit from being able to sell the tokens, which represent the value they have added to the DAO, to traders for a higher price. On the other hand, traders will only pay a higher price for $BERLIN if the teledisko DAO is actually successful and valuable, which incentivises contributors to perform.
This approach also gives contributors a certain security against short-term market failures while preserving the classical logic that investors/traders bear more financial risk while also retaining their freedom to exit at any time, at any price.