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teledisko DAO

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At first glance, it looks like a whimsical, upcycled phone booth you can dance in. In reality, it operates as one of the most modern organizations in the world.

On one hand  there is a successful  real-world busines case which relates to the sale and rental of the teledisko.  This machine can be orderded and purchased  world wide. This means there is a completely  off-chain revenue stream.

On the other hand  there is the teledisko DAO which operates the entire business case as a tokenized  entity.  Tokens are  only mintable through contributors and their time or money investment. Tokens give  access to ownership, governance and dividents.

teledisko's daily business and the upcoming teledisko 3.0 release are owned and governed by the teledisko DAO. 

DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations) are features of the emerging web3, which is the user-centric next generation of the internet. Web3 supports novel concepts and innovations based on code, law, and the imaginations of the bright minds who conceive a fair, transparent, and free future.​


Since its inception, teledisko's VISION STATEMENT has remained the same. It is important to upcycle existing values to create a fair and sustainable future. teledisko aims to build a collection of independent utopian inventions. These hardware and software creations will feature state-of-the-art technology centered around the human experience. ​


Since 2016, teledisko has been at the core of the development of the NEOKingdom DAO framework. It has also become the first use case of a fully legal and operational DAO set up in Estonia in 2022.

What does operating as a DAO mean?



There are no more employees. Everybody contributing to teledisko’s success is called a ‘contributor’ with the option to become a stakeholder in the organisation. Also, they may benefit from its success.


Contributors earn tokens based on the time they contribute and record in the project management module of our state-of-the-art open-source ERP system ODOO. Based on their contributions, tokens are minted and sent to contributors at the end of each month.


It has a built-in mechanism to sell tokens for cash anytime to cover expenses such as rent, etc. 

In the first step, contributors have to offer their tokens to their co-contributors for seven days for a fixed price of 1 Token = 1 Euro for fairness. If they do not sell the tokens in this first step, there is a 53-day window where they can offer the tokens on the secondary market at a price decided by the market. 

Suppose the tokens remain unsold after the second step. In that case, teledisko DAO maintains a so-called 'trustworthiness reserve,' which redeems the token from the contributor at a ratio of 1 Token to 1 Euro. The cycle ends with the redeemed token burnt.


All these processes are managed in a smart contract-based progressive web app available on desktop and mobile. All token transactions and voting are secure, transparent, and immutable. Transactions are signed and confirmed using the web3 wallet infrastructure.


A contributor or impact investor may also choose to make monetary investments in return for tokens, as any organisation will also need some initial liquidity to cover expenses.


At the end of the year, contributors vote on profit distribution and may earn dividends based on the profits of teledisko. A predefined amount of the profits will be committed to the trustworthiness reserve mentioned earlier to maintain liquidity and solvency.


Following this simple principle, contributors can choose to own part of the organisation they create by holding their tokens. They may also participate in the decision-making and earn rewards at the end of the year. With these mechanisms in place, contributors are incentivised to perform and create value, as this will make their tokens desirable for secondary market participants.


Secondary market traders may evaluate the organisation and the value its contributors create before purchasing tokens. Through a unique mechanism, this class of traders may claim part of the annual profit sharing as the tokens give them access to ownership and dividends.

teledisko DAO is the first use case and the MVP for the NEOKingdom DAO framework. Fully operational since 2022, teledisko has been a core contributor to building a legally compliant framework that incorporates its DAOs in Estonia. 

Estonia is the most digital nation in the world. It also has a favourable legal system that complies with European regulations. ​

As such, teledisko DAO is a major token holder of NEOKingdom DAO.​

All the smart contracts deployed to run teledisko DAO securely have undergone two rounds of independent security audits.

Furthermore, the entire token model associated with teledisko DAO has been analysed by one of the Big Four accounting firms. The analysis established that the teledisko BERLIN token is not considered a security under the current European MICA regulation.

teledisko DAO is using the NEOKingdom DAO framework to be legally compliant

Contributors are investing their valuable lifetime into something they are passionate about. The tokens minted for the value they add are precious and exclusive. The only way anyone can get their hands on a teledisko token is if a contributor who earned it is willing to sell.

The teledisko token is named after our home: BERLIN.


BERLIN Token will start trading in Q1 2024.  Anyone interested in the success and opportunity of teledisko 3.0 and teledisko DAO can apply to be added to the early adopters list.

Our most valuable asset as humans is our own lifetime.



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